AllConstruct Solution in Java

Problem Statement

Write a function ‘allConstruct(target, wordBank)’ that accepts a target string and an array of strings.

The function should return a 2D array containing all of the ways that the ‘target’ can be constructed by concatenating
elements of the ‘wordBank’ array. Each element of the 2D array should represent one combination that constructs the ‘target’.

You may reuse elements of ‘wordBank’ as many times as needed.


package com.techbruiser.recursion;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class AllConstruct {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("countConstruct(purple, [purp,p,ur,le,purpl] : " + allConstruct("purple", new String[]{"purp","p","ur","le","purpl"}, new HashMap<>()));
		 * [purp, le], [p, ur, p, le]]
		System.out.println("countConstruct(abcdef, [ab,abc,cd,def,abcd] : " + allConstruct("abcdef", new String[]{"ab","abc","cd","def","abcd","ef","c"}, new HashMap<>()));
		 * [[ab, cd, ef], [ab, c, def], [abc, def], [abcd, ef]]
		System.out.println("countConstruct(skateboard, [bo,rd,ate,t,ska,sk,boar] : " + allConstruct("skateboard", new String[]{"bo","rd","ate","t","ska","sk","boar"}, new HashMap<>()));//0
		 * []
		System.out.println("countConstruct(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac, [a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa] : " + allConstruct("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac",
				new String[]{"a", "aa", "aaa", "aaaa", "aaaaa"}, new HashMap<>()));
		 * []


	 * Approach-1 Without Memorization
	/*static List<List<String>> allConstruct(String target, String[] wordBank){
		if(target.isEmpty()) {
			List<List<String>> base = new ArrayList<>();
			base.add(new ArrayList<String>());
			return base;
		List<List<String>> allCombinations = new ArrayList<>();

		for(String word : wordBank) {
			if(target.startsWith(word)) {
				List<List<String>> remainderResult = allConstruct(target.substring(word.length()), wordBank);
				 for(int i=0;i<remainderResult.size();i++) {
					 List<String> temp2 = new ArrayList<>(remainderResult.get(i));
					 temp2.add(0, word);
		return allCombinations;
	 * Approach-2 With Memorization
	 * @param target
	 * @param wordBank
	 * @return
	static List<List<String>> allConstruct(String target, String[] wordBank, Map<String, List<List<String>>> memorization){
		if(memorization.containsKey(target)) {
			return memorization.get(target);
		if(target.isEmpty()) {
			List<List<String>> base = new ArrayList<>();
			base.add(new ArrayList<String>()); 
			return base;
		List<List<String>> allCombinations = new ArrayList<>();

		for(String word : wordBank) {
			if(target.startsWith(word)) {
				List<List<String>> remainderResult = allConstruct(target.substring(word.length()), wordBank, memorization);
				 for(int i=0;i<remainderResult.size();i++) {
					 List<String> temp2 = new ArrayList<>(remainderResult.get(i));
					 temp2.add(0, word);
		memorization.put(target, allCombinations);
		return allCombinations;