How to escape ‘&’ in REST GET Api call ?

Let’s take a use case, we need to fetch a company details by passing it’s company name in a GET Api url. We will get appropriate results as long as the company name doesn’t have any special characters, especially “;”, “/”, “?”, “:”, “@”, “=” and “&”

Why it breaks when we use ‘&’ ? The url gets broken because, ‘&’ is a reserved character for URL schemes. For URL, ‘&’ is used to separate the query parameters.

Eg. http://localhost:9000/companies?name=TVS&location=pune

Above url explains,

protocol : http
domain- localhost
port number : 9000
context-path : companies
query param name : name
query param value : TVS
query param name : location
query param value : pune

Here, “&” helps to identify each query params associated with the url.

Now, what if a company name has “&” and we want to search ? Let’s rewrite the url ?


protocol : http
domain- localhost
port number : 9000
context-path : companies
query param name : name
query param value : TVS
query param name : Moto
query param value : (empty)
query param name : location
query param value : pune

In this case, you API request param for ‘name’ will consider only “TVS” as the search value and not the “TVS&Moto”. This will lead to retuning incorrect results.

How to resolve this ?

Case1: Angular/Javascript

If you are using Angular/Javascript, use below way to encode your param value,

const companyName = encodeURIComponent(companyName);

Use this companyName in your query. It will encode “&” into “%26,” so your value is not treated as another query param name. So, “TVS%26Moto” is treated as single value which will be interpreted as “TVS&Moto” in your API endpoint.

Case2: Java

If you are invoking another API from your java, then use query params as below,

String url = "http://localhost:9000/companies?name={companyName}&location={location}
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();

ResponseEntity<Object> response =, HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<>(){}, params);

Here, the restTemplate will encode the params values (It uses UriTempalteHandler.expand() which encodes each param values). So we don’t need to encode it explicitly.

Note: Do not use string.replace() to replace params values as below !

String url = "http://localhost:9000/companies?name=companyName&location=location
String encodedUrl =url.replace("companyName",URLEncoder.encode("TVS&Moto").replace("location","pune);
//encodedUrl = http://localhost:9000/companies?name=TVS%26Moto&location=pune
ResponseEntity<Object> response =, HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<>(){}, null);

Even if above code looks good and we are sending encoded company name, the rest template will form the finla url as below


Since we didn’t set it in params, the the entire url is encoded here so, it results in encoding % into %25. So, use params in order to get correct results.