Category: Uncategorized

Unable to find specific Icons in flutter

I encounter this error “flutter material icons-the getter ‘currency_rupee’ isn’t defined for the type ‘Icons‘” when I try to add ‘currency_rupee’ in one of my mobile development. This can be fixed using below solutions, 1. Make sure to use latest flutter version Download later version of flutter from and verify of your Icons.dart file […]

Java Regular Expressions – 4

Predefined Character Classes This is shorthand of Character Classes. Instead of mentioning the character range, we will mention the predefined type of the character. Construct Description . Any character (may or may not match line terminators) \d A digit: [0-9] \D A non-digit: [^0-9] \s A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r] \S A non-whitespace character: [^\s] \w A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9] […]

Java Regular Expressions – 3

Character Classes If we browse through java regular expressions, we immediately find a table summarizing regular expression constructs. Yes, that’s what we are going to see here. In below table, the left-hand column specifies the regular expression constructs, while the right-hand column describes the conditions under which each construct will match. Construct Description [abc] a, […]

Java Regular Expressions – 2

String Literals The most basic form of pattern matching is form of String matching. The pattern here is nothing but a simple string search we want to perform on the given input string. From here, let’s take String replace method which accepts a regularExpression and replacementString as arguments. Metacharacters These are the special characters that […]